Archive | August, 2012

The month that changed my life

30 Aug

August 2012 is going down in the history books for one, Jessica Starkey.  From 0-60, in the blink of an eye, my life has been completely, irrevocably changed. Wow, dramatic much?

Not gonna lie, I’m also kind of loving the word “irrevocably” right now.  Me= nerd.

Anyway, so why has my life changed? That is a very good question, let’s tick off the items:

1)      I completed my longest race to date: leg 4 of The North Face Canadian Death Race.  Five hours and twenty-three loooong minutes later WHERE I WANTED TO DIE THE ENTIRE TIME I crossed the transition station and promptly collapsed whilst swearing that I will never do that again. Ever.

Until next year, probably.

Photo Credit: Images by Jo

Apparently, I take my iPhone with me everywhere…

10km and a 6550 foot climb later, 26km to go

2)      We got a puppy!!! Dustin and I are the proud new parents of this beautiful little, but soon-to-be not-so-little, husky named Ashe.  Yes, I know she’s so friggin’ cute and gorgeous. We haven’t been bragging at all or anything. At least, when we don’t have to steal her back from each of our parents.

3)      Kind of another big deal… WE GOT ENGAGED! Upon my return from the Death Race, Dustin picked me up from the airport with our brand new fur-baby, watching as I limped towards the car. I’m not lying, that race very nearly killed me.  When our new little family got home, he very sweetly asked if I would be willing to spend the rest of my life with him.

He just bought me a puppy, CLEARLY I was going to say yes 😉

Boys, key take away here: buy her a puppy and you are practically guaranteed a yes. She may not even notice if you got the bling bling or not.

(Who am I kidding, of course I she would)

4)      Yes, after all that craziness there is still a #4.  Depending on who you speak to, this might just be the biggest little tidbit of gossip information on my personal life.  As many of you may know, Dustin and I have been living in separate provinces since the beginning of our relationship. He in Toronto, me in Montreal.  Since we’re now engaged, we have decided to rectify the geographical situation and finally live in the same city/province/ house…  In Vancouver, B.C.

Yes, Dustin and I are packing/sorting/trashing/consolidating the his and the hers, loading up the truck and moving cross-country to the “Best place on Earth”, and soon.  Dustin received an amazing job opportunity that we couldn’t pass down and so over the next month we’ll be relocating to the West Coast! To say we’re excited is kind of an understatement.

Over the next few weeks, stay tuned to see how many times I pull my hair out in frustration trying to consolidate this mess.
